--- Agony Applicant Questionnaire 1) Please tell us a bit about when and how you started playing EVE, what you have done so far, your corp history and a little bit about yourself in real life. This is your chance to give us an impression of who you are, not just as a character but also as a person. --Your answer here-- 2) Agony spans three timezones. In order to proceed with your application, you must select the DOMINANT timezone for your personal play time. Check Only One. If you fail to check a box, check more than one box or check a box that's not correlated to [b][color=#800080]EVE TIME[/color][/b] we'll not only decline your application but also sue you for damages from having to hunt you down and setting aflame everything you own and anyone you have ever loved (in game). ( ) EVE TIME 16:00-00 ( ) EVE TIME 00:00-08:00 ( ) EVE TIME 08:00-16:00 3) Having a mic and using Teamspeak 3 is required. Is this a problem for you? --Your answer here-- 4) How would you classify your PVP skills in EVE? What level of PVP experience do you have? A short, one or two sentence answer is fine. --Your answer here-- 5) Please provide a killboard link for all your PVP characters that gives an accurate representation of your PVP activity. --Your answer here-- 6) Where did you hear about Agony? In particular, what prompted you to apply? --Your answer here--